About Us


Knucklebones is committed to using play as a catalyst for a happier and healthier lifestyle.  With an array of services covering the play spectrum, we encourage all ages to enhance their lives...for the love of play!


Based on our tag line ...for the love of play!,  we provide each and every client with a fun and fulfilling experience.


Knucklebones began without intension in 2004 when Mitch, Founder and CVO, was the athletics director of a summer camp. Midway through summer he was asked by several parents if he could provide the same unique games the kids played at camp at birthdays.  Mitch was thrilled to be able to play even more than usual and, of course, said “YES!”

Since the early days of birthdays, we have continued to follow our clients’ requests.  Today, we play anywhere and everywhere including (but not limited to) child cares, extended day programs, schools, recreation departments, colleges, community organizations, camps, private events, libraries, mothers groups, senior centers and corporations.

In the summer of 2011 we diversified, becoming retailers for over 100 of the top manufactures of athletically inspired products.  Today we retail for over 200 manufacturers.

In the beginning of 2021 we started a relationship with Rensselar Polytechnic Institute to begin creating our digital video games.  Then in the summer of '21 we began writing our children's picture books about our programs.  Our first book was I'm a Little Ninja.  With all the exciting growth in our designs we called this division  - Interactive.

We look forward to working with you...for the love of play!

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